Csatlakozom Jelentkezés eseményre

With this registration/by filling out the application form, you hereby explicitly agree that mtd Consulting and Corporate Community Association and the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum handle all the personal data you have provided when filling out this registration/application form.

You acknowledge that data is provided on the voluntary bases, and the purpose of handling such data is your registration, or the registration of the organisation you represent, at our programmes or to convey the intention to join the European Diversity Charter, and the basis of handling such data is the contract concluded between you and mtd Consulting and Corporate Community Association and the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum by this registration/filling out the application form.

You also acknowledge that the staff of mtd Consulting and Corporate Community Association and the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum are entitled to handle and to process such data; the period for data handling is unlimited – in line with the objectives of the European Diversity Charter. Data may be accessed by the staff of mtd Consulting and Corporate Community Association and the Hungarian Business Leaders Forum.

You acknowledge that you may request clarification, updating or deleting of your own personal data.

Requests regarding any of the above can be filed at:

E-mail: info@sokszinusegikarta.hu

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