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Hungarian Business Leaders Forum

Organizational diversity has become a major topic in Hungary for more than a decade, with HBLF highlighting the diversity task force for the past 9 years since it established its own Diversity Code, Shell Hungary Zrt. in 2007. Support.

In recent years, the Diversity Task Force has implemented a number of successful initiatives, such as the Job Fair for People with Disabilities, involving more than 30 exhibiting companies and 600 job seekers. For several years, we have organized a hugely successful photo competition entitled Diversity in the Workplace, Meeting Generations and Health Preservation, Parenting at Work, and Performance with Changed Working Capacity, for which more than 50 applications have occasionally been received.


mtd Advisory Community

Since 2008, the MTD Advisory Community has been working to make responsible employment and equal opportunities at work an integral part of the CSR activities of companies and institutions in Hungary. To this end, it conducts european and national research (mtd Benchmark Research), holds training, organises events and builds a community with the aim of sharing good practices. Every 2 years, he organizes a programme called the Chance Conference, which moves the stakeholders of the profession, with its current "diversity" themes, diverse speakers, participants and atmosphere. In 2015, in partnership with the ENVOY Association, the Diversity Convention, which reflects the diversity principles of the European Union, was launched at the initiative, integrating the Diversity Charter, which together with the HBLF, into Hungary to a higher level.


For more information, contact the Hungarian representation of the European Diversity Charter at info@sokszinusegikarta.hu.


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