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Abacus Medicine Hungary Ltd. has joined the EU Diversity Faculty Hungary

Abacus Medicine deals with international trade in original prescription drugs. The company builds on an extensive European supplier network, and our customers are pharmaceutical resellers. Together, we are working on an efficient supply chain of medicines that reduces healthcare costs for both the public and private sectors. Abacus Medicine is a purposeful company: we make global health better by making it easier to access medicines. It is important for us to contribute to society as a whole. This has been the case since father and son founded the family business in Denmark in 2004. Today, Abacus Medicine is a large and growing company with more than 1,000 employees in Europe and beyond – a company where diversity is of great value.

Abacus Medicine Hungary Ltd. In 2012, it started operating as a subsidiary for the repackaging of medicines to be shipped to different markets. Since then, the company has significantly increased its production capacity and has become a European core unit of Abacus Medicine in several areas of operation. By 2021 we have more than 500 colleagues in Hungary and are preparing for further growth and transformation of our operations. "Diversity and inclusion for us is a strategic area that contributes to building a sustainable and innovative organization that our employees are committed to," says Katinka Zinnemers of Abacus Medicine Hungary Ltd. Managing Director.


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