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Can a successful and responsible company be grey?

2021-05-04 @ 14:00 - 15:30



Keynote speakers

Zsuzsa Fieszl

Executive Director / HBLF

Péter Kemény

Diversity Expert / E.ON Hungária Zrt. 

„Why (or what for?) does a company take responsibility? Are 50 shades of grey enough to manage a sustainable, successful and responsible company? Where does the human connection come into the picture? Okay, but what about robots? We might not be able to reach the part of the robots if you ask a lot of questions, but during our presentation, we will talk about the benefits of diversity in corporate decision-making, individual (employee) roles, the creation of the EU Diversity Charter, and we will also showcase good practices that a large company nowadays like to keep as a Treasure of Values while positioning itself.”

The language of the event is English.



14:00 - 15:30
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