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Workplace Sensitization to a Chronic Illness – Painful Menstruation is NOT Normal! Find out what endometriosis

2021-05-20 @ 14:00 - 15:00

Keynote Speaker: Adrienn Salamon, President

Salamon Adrienn, president of Together it’s easier’ For Women’s Health Foundation, tells her own endometriosis story, introduces the foundation.

„Our mission is to raise awareness of the symptoms of endometriosis, the early detection, the dangers and causes of painful menstruation, and to provide authentic information about the disease and its treatment options. Every second woman with painful menstruation is affected, but she only endures the torments in silence because it is believed that this is inherent in female existence. However, this should not be the case because painful menstruation is not normal but one of the main symptoms of endometriosis. We are committed to making the bitter illness of thousands of women, endometriosis, and to dare to talk about it as widely known as possible. In the webinar, we talk about what endometriosis is, about the symptoms, how it can be diagnosed, and what treatment options are available. We put a lot of emphasis on talking about what a leader, a colleague, can do if there is a woman with endometriosis in the team. A community can help an affected person get a diagnosis sooner, or even help them not feel ashamed, they need to keep it a secret. Endometriosis has serious economic consequences, as affected women can be out of work for several days in the month.”

The language of the event is English.


Please note: this event is open for the press. HBLF reserves the rights to record images and videos during the event, which we use for further publicity of the event series.

Participation at the event is free.

Please note: this event is open for the press. HBLF reserves the rights to record images and videos during the event, which we use for further publicity of the event series.








14:00 - 15:00
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