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Csatlakozom Jelentkezés eseményre

Celebrating Diversity and Unity at Eaton Pride Cake Ceremony!

We are happy to share Eaton’s article about their pride event.

Eaton BSC traditionally celebrates the PRIDE  months with a rainbow Cake Ceremony which is always a great opportunity to come together to celebrate diversity of the site.

This year we were honored to host more than 70 HR leaders on this event on 18th June from EMEA and US to celebrate Diversity as one of the most important value of Eaton.
The event was led by Dominique Rorive, EMEA HR Vice President, who had the privilege of opening the ceremony.

In his inspiring speech, Dominique emphasized the importance of collaboration among our various Employee Resource Groups, highlighting how our collective efforts contribute to a more inclusive and supportive workplace.

The event was a true testament to our commitment to diversity and inclusion, and we look forward to continuing to celebrate and support each other in all our unique identities and experiences.

The event was also to celebrate our ERG groups led by our commited and passionate colleagues.