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Working with a diverse NGO supplier base – BP Hungary’s Master Class @DiversityCharterHungary

The Master Classes is the EU Diversity Charter Hungary’s series of programs for sharing diverse practices.

 The EU Diversity Charter Hungary Masters Classes program series has continued on the 10th March, where Mr Zsolt Czibere, Employee Experience & Diversity Advisor from BP Hungary shared several useful good practice examples in his workshop entitled “Supplier diversity (products and services of non-profits for medium-size and large companies)”.

 The presentation started with an explanation of why big companies should start working with NGOs, how to start, and what the benefits are. The presenter explained us how BP Hungary cowork with NGOs, mentioning one of BP Hungary’s event called “Summer Day”, where they gave a topic for a day, and introduce this topic to their co-workers by invited NGOs.

 Zsolt described the concept of supplier diversity, what it means for BP Hungary, how they can apply it in practice and what they have achieved in the last few years. The importance of the presence of minorities in businesses was emphasized in BP Hungary’s case, through their talent pool they would like to increase the representation of roma people in business life. The participants had a chance to learn about BP Hungary’s pride ambitions, the concept of BP Pride Group.

 The workshop was closed with the emphasis on the importance of sensitization through these actions. BP Hungary is happy to see that their employees understand the mission, and as a result some of them began volunteering in one of the NGOs.

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